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Continuous Service

Uninterrupted employment:

  • with the Government of the Northwest Territories;
  • including prior service within the Public Service of the Government of Canada, if you were hired or transferred within three months. This does not apply when a function is transferred to the Government of the Northwest Territories;
  • including prior service with the municipalities and hamlets of the Northwest Territories if you were hired or transferred within three months;
  • if you were re-appointed after being laid off, employment in the position held at the time of your lay-off is included, if the lay-off was after April 1, 1970;
  • including prior service with the Hay River Health and Social Services Authority, providing an employee was recruited or transferred within three (3) months of terminating his/her previous employment.  Continuous Service for the purposes of GNWT severance under this handbook will not include any periods of employment with Hay River Health and Social Services Authority for which severance was paid.
  • if you were re-employed by the Government within three months, employment in the position held at the time of termination will be included.  This does not apply if you were dismissed, you abandoned the position or you were rejected on probation.



Any person living with you who is:

  • your spouse;
  • your child, step-child, adopted child or foster child who is:
  • under 21 years old and dependent on you for support; or
  • 21 years old or older and is dependent on you because of mental or physical illness.
  • a relative who is wholly dependent on you for support because of mental or physical illness.

To live with you means to live in the same dwelling.  Normally this will be where the person receives mail, keeps personal property and spends the majority of time.



The Government of the Northwest Territories as represented by the Minister Responsible for the Public Service or designate.



An employee whose employment has been terminated because of lack of work or because of the discontinuance of a function and who is suitable for continued employment in the Public Service. Lay-off does not mean an employee whose employment has been terminated because of a transfer of the work or function to another employer where the employee is offered employment with the new employer.


Senior Manager

An employee who is subject to the terms and condition of employment under the Senior Managers’ Handbook including Deputy Ministers, Assistant Deputy Ministers, Superintendents, Directors and Chief Executive Officers, where all the positions included in this group are determined by the Department of Finance.



A person, regardless of gender who:

  • is married to you, or
  • has lived together in a conjugal relationship